Liquides Imaginaires
by Philippe Di Meo
The word perfume comes from the Latin “per fumum” meaning “through smoke” because incense and resins were burned during religious ceremonies.
Liquides Imaginaires is a line of fragrances created by the designer Philippe Di Méo. Conceived to go back to the very essence of perfume, they highlight the sacred, mystical, magical dimensions of fragrance, along with the associated imagery. Loaded with powerful fantasy, Liquides Imaginaires bewitch and transport their wearers on a voyage of introspection. The Liquides Imaginaires concept is not bound by conventional marketing rhythms. Design is given free rei. . .
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by Philippe Di Meo
The word perfume comes from the Latin “per fumum” meaning “through smoke” because incense and resins were burned during religious ceremonies.
Liquides Imaginaires is a line of fragrances created by the designer Philippe Di Méo. Conceived to go back to the very essence of perfume, they highlight the sacred, mystical, magical dimensions of fragrance, along with the associated imagery. Loaded with powerful fantasy, Liquides Imaginaires bewitch and transport their wearers on a voyage of introspection. The Liquides Imaginaires concept is not bound by conventional marketing rhythms. Design is given free rein and new releases are eagerly awaited by aficionados of rare, finely-crafted fragrances.
Designed as olfactory concepts, Liquides Imaginaires takes the form of trilogies. We offer three of them in-store.
La trilogie des eaux-delà.
Symbolic fragrances with a great emotional and sacred power. They fill the air with their beneficial, esoteric, or erotic properties.
La trilogie des eaux-sanguines.
This trilogy of fragrances draws its inspiration from holy wines. Perfume, like wine, is a blend and the best are created through human expertise and nature’s nurture.
The exclusive trilogie des Eaux imaginaires.
A trilogy of legendary liquids, flowing on geographical zones, olfactive tales, dreamed waters. They are only distributed in rare stores.
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